Dec. 06
the things we carry on bikes
Lately we've been transporting some abnormal things on our bikes. Well mostly my bike because of it's awesome abilities with the basket and all. Riding with a rug in your basket or stools on the back are a little tricky in themselves, but what makes it even more challenging is manuvering through the snow with these things.
Dec. 02
happy thanksgiving
I know we're a little late, but since we don't get Thanksgiving Day off over here we decided to postpone our Thanksgiving celebration until Sunday. It was our first year not being with family, which of course was difficult, but we wanted to make it something fun and special anyway so we had our first Friendsgiving!
Nov. 24
we got married
And it was the best weekend ever. So good that I was a little homesick for a couple of days after we got back to Finland. Being around such wonderful friends and family for a week will do that to ya. Especially when you come back to dead land and freezing cold weather. (That day of 80+ in Dallas was such a tease.) But we're beginning to get back to life as usual again...this time as newlyweds (so weird).
Oct. 31
the dark days
Since we “fell back” last weekend, it has become even more evident that we are losing sunlight quickly. I’ve never been a fan of the darkness. I was one of those kids that had to sleep with a nightlight (probably for too long). I don’t like scary movies, in part because things are always popping out at you in dark places. I don’t like to pump gas or take the trash out when it’s dark, simply because I have a bad feeling about the darkness.
Oct. 28
ice hockey and everything cold
Sauna, coffee, and ice hockey – that pretty much sums up priorities in Finland. So on Saturday we went out to support Joensuu’s ice hockey team, the mighty Jokipojat. There was a band and rowdy fans, which is exactly what I had hoped for. We obviously brought with us some good mojo because they dominated. I learned more about ice hockey than I ever knew existed. Soon enough I’ll be the one standing by the band, yelling at the teams about what they’re doing wrong.