Oct. 31
Since we “fell back” last weekend, it has become even more evident that we are losing sunlight quickly. I’ve never been a fan of the darkness. I was one of those kids that had to sleep with a nightlight (probably for too long). I don’t like scary movies, in part because things are always popping out at you in dark places. I don’t like to pump gas or take the trash out when it’s dark, simply because I have a bad feeling about the darkness.

There have been several mornings where the needle was just below E and I chose to risk it rather than stop and fill up in the dark. This is all a little disheartening, considering the fact that by the end of this year we will have less than five hours of sunlight (and by sunlight I mean, it’s overcast). The single digit weather is not the part that scares me, it’s the sun, or lack thereof. So we’ve been making a conscious effort to appreciate every drop of sunshine that we get. But since I have no other choice than to face the reality of short, short days, I’ve started trying to learn to like the darkness too. One of my favorite parts so far is the soft pink hue that kisses the sky right before the black curtain falls. It never gets old. Even if that means sunset at 4:00.We’re also trying out some new indoor hobbies. I’m hesitant to say this, but I’m attempting to knit. I question if I should tell anyone because, why is it so difficult?? I’ve started over three times already. Maybe by summertime I’ll finish this scarf. Some way or another we will survive this long winter. One of those ways being planning a return of the sun party.
all photos were taken before 4:30 pm
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