Sep. 15

For this next round of travels, not only did we have some exciting Scandinavian cities to visit, but we also had some of our favorite people join us! We met Kevin and Debrán in Stockholm to start the trip and, despite their luggage getting lost by the airlines, it was a pretty great kickoff. We decided that the best way to see the city (and save our feet) was to join the hordes of commuting bike riders. On our first day with the bikes we took them exploring through one of the many islands which was, apparently, one of the cool kid hangouts during the summer. Stockholm is pretty cool like that. They have all these random, gigantic parks all over the place where you can find pretty much the entire population of the city on a nice summer evening. So we followed suit and did our fair share of sitting, laying, picnic-ing on the grass, soaking up as much of summer as these Scandinavian countries offer. Then we fantasized about buying one of those adorable houses on the water and going on bike rides everyday around the islands, picking fresh apples and maybe even building up the courage to swim in the frigid water. Yeah, I know, I do that everywhere I go. I can’t help it, I like to dream.