Sep. 03

I’ve never been so happy to have such a tiny dorm room with no dishwasher, no living room, and no furniture. The day started out pretty solid when we took a walk to the river and spent some time contemplating what life would be like in the snow. But when we went to the leasing office and they told us that the keys were ready to our flat, well that just put it over the top. Although in our last few days in this hotel, I’ve become quite fond of it, I am ready to get to a space where we can actually walk around. A place where our six bags do not take up the entirety of the room. So that afternoon my Finnish friend, who has been a life saver, loaded up our bags in her car to take to the apartment. After two trips from the hotel and six trips up the stairs to the fourth floor, we were sweating and out of breath, but we were home. We surveyed the place and decided that it definitely felt bigger than 540 sq ft. Hurray!! It is definitely a worn dorm room, but other than that, it’s pretty nice. We walked to the super market down the street from our place to gets some essentials and cleaning supplies to make it feel just a little bit more like home.