Oct. 04
London & Brighton

Everything’s funnier in a British accent, don’t you think? I’m that person that turns around and giggles every time someone says “Cheers!”, even when it’s the 274th time I’ve heard it in a week. But you know what really gets me…little British children.
Sep. 20
Copenhagen | Round Two

So here’s the thing, the picture above, it’s actually from the first time that I went to Copenhagen with my mom. This time around we were still traveling with our friends, Kevin and Debrán, and well, the weather was not all that great. It was pretty chilly and it rained practically the entire time we were there.
Sep. 17

The first day we got to Bergen it was pouring rain and pretty darn chilly. Scott and I came completely unprepared, with no rain jackets and barely any warm clothing. We had gotten used to the nice warm weather we’d been having way too easily and forgotten that these places require jackets and scarfs for most of the year.
Sep. 15

For this next round of travels, not only did we have some exciting Scandinavian cities to visit, but we also had some of our favorite people join us! We met Kevin and Debrán in Stockholm to start the trip and, despite their luggage getting lost by the airlines, it was a pretty great kickoff.
Sep. 11
Copenhagen & Aarhus

Denmark has definitely made its way onto my list of “places I could live”. The food really helped give it a good shove up the list. I still daydream about it.