Apr. 06

We walked right past each other. I felt your lively presence whiz past me. I caught a glimpse of you out of the corner of my eye. Why didn’t you stop and say hello, dear friend? It’s been a while since we met. We had a brief encounter last year, but it was not nearly long enough to really catch up. How have you been? Do you still have that bright, enthusiastic smile? I always loved that about you. Always sparking joy where ever you go. Everyone seems to light up when you're around.
I hope we can meet again soon, though it will probably be longer that I wish. You always seem to disappear for too long. Sometimes it may seem like I’m pushing you away, it’s just that I need a break, but just a brief one. After a while I start to wonder if I’ve hurt your feelings and you’ve left for good. But just when I've almost given up hope, you come back. You always come sneaking back, sometimes later than others. Oh, what a joyous reunion it is!
This year we’ll have to be apart for longer than usual. It’s not by choice, of course. It’s just the way it has to be. But don’t leave. Please stay nearby, waiting for me, ready to greet me with open arms. I’m going to need a big warm hug.
See you in 2017.
Image source: Urban Outfitters
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