Dec. 22
Living in the process of pursuit

When I read this quote from Alison Sudol in The Great Discontent recently, it really stuck with me. Alison’s words gave life to the feeling I’ve been experiencing in this current stage of life. Transitional, and questioning where exactly I’m headed. I have a lot of ideas and dreams, but no clear path. I’ve being trying out a lot of new things and discovering new interests. Some of those things seem to have no (or very little) overlap, which makes it all confusing.
I’ve been slowly sorting through these thoughts and carving out a path to follow, at least in the short term. It’s scary because it’s so unknown. Is this how I’m supposed to start? Are people going to think I’m crazy? Will I come out of this thinking it was all worth it? Or will it all blow up in my face? These are the types of questions that nag at me on a regular basis. Then I have to remind myself to just keep moving forward. This life is a journey and I want to be an active participant in it. I don’t know where it’ll lead me, but that’s part of the excitement.
These next couple months we will be stepping into the unknown, not having a carefully laid plan. On the days that we question our decisions and whether we are doing the right thing, I have to remind myself that it is a process. We’re moving forward and pursuing our dreams and the rest will come on its own.
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