May. 27

Tomorrow we say goodbye to Joensuu. There are so many emotions that have come with the end of our time here. We’re excited to start our next adventure, but sad to leave this place because of all the ways it’s changed us, because of all the friends we’ve made, and the experiences that we’ll cherish forever.

Last night we were talking about our favorite things that we’ve done since we moved here. We’ve been incredibly fortunate to experience some amazing things, things that I never dreamed of doing - dog sledding in Finnish Lapland, ice swimming in a lake, watching the Northern Lights from our balcony, and so many other unforgettable experiences. But I think what’s made the biggest impact of all has been all the little things added up over the years. We made close friends from around the world and we just lived our day-to-day lives in Finland. It’s still unbelievable to me sometimes that we made this move. It hasn’t always been easy (lest we forget sleeping on the floor, resident permits, dragging our suitcases through ice, and 9 months of winter), but it’s all been worth it.

I can’t imagine my life without this piece of the puzzle. Years before we came here I longed to live abroad, but I had no idea the impact it would have on me. I now know and I crave it even more. The world may not have much to say about this Nordic country, but it’s carved out a very special, reindeer-size place in our hearts. Thank you, Finland, for opening our eyes and hearts to what we never knew we needed and now couldn’t live without. Kiitoksia!
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