Apr. 07

The sun is out, plants are starting to bud, green is showing, water is dripping from the rooftops, and then BAM!, it’s snowing. It’s not just a couple flakes here and there, it’s a full on downpour that lasts for days. You got me again, Spring. I fall for your antics every time. April fools? No? You’re right, I should know you better than that.

It’s a really evil trick, but it happens over and over again. When we got back from Lapland, there were clear skies and rising temperatures all week. So I decided to put winter behind me. I had my fun with the snow, but it was time for a change. Time to welcome a new season, or so I thought. Since that week we’ve had grey skies and snow or rain or both almost everyday. I love Finland, really I do. But I can’t say that I’ve been too happy with it these past couple weeks. One day on my ride home from school, I yelled at the wind. Yep, that’s right. It was making my bike ride so miserable, that I finally gave it a piece of my mind.

You can't be too careful walking around this time of year. You never know if that ice you’re walking over will hold, or if it will give way to an ankle-deep puddle of water. It’s as if everywhere you go, nature is playing a big trick on you…that lasts for a month. Like when your brother takes your car keys, and hides in the closet, right before you need to leave. It’s a little funny the first time (ok, not really), but then the second and third time, the cuteness factor has really worn off, completely (hypothetically speaking).

I’m trying to be a good sport. I’m looking for the positive in all this. But it’s a two way street, Finland. You’ve got to give me something to work with. I’m doing my part, now the ball’s in your court.
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