Mar. 21

These pictures are from our first trip up the mountain. Ok, it’s technically a fell, but that’s a mountain by Finnish standards. So we’re going to call it a mountain. Anyway, we drove nearly to the top to take in the view and check out the slopes one afternoon. As soon as we opened the car doors we were blasted with some seriously cold and incredibly strong wind. The wind was blowing so hard that the packed snow was wildly swirling through the air pummeling anything and everything around it. There was a café not too far away from where we parked, so we all turned around, backs facing the flying snow, and walked backwards all the way there. You could barely see anything but a cloud of white. Our initial intention was just to hang out outside for a while looking out over the town, but the wind was so unbelievably crazy that we cut our viewing time short. We only went into the café to rest for minute and thaw our frozen hands (from taking pictures) before walking right back through the storm.

But it was worth it, don’t you think? I’ll take a good beating from the wind for that kind of view any day.

The day that we went skiing on the mountain I met that ruthless wind again. It was on our last run, just when the sun was setting. Everything was so stinking beautiful. But the wind was blowing harder than ever. I couldn’t help but make a couple of pit stops for photo opts even though my hands suffered more and more each time. By the time we made it down the mountain we were all out of breath and frozen. But it was such a perfect ending. Exhausted and in awe of it all. That’s pretty much how I felt everyday of this trip.
Next up: More on what we did in Levi.
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