Jul. 09

We woke up at 5:00 am, rolled out of bed, stumbled downstairs to pick up our carefully packed breakfast and began our journey to Gdańsk. The first 2 hours on the bus were pretty silent. Occasionally you could hear a short mumbled conversation, but for the most far it was silent, with heads bobbing up and down, trying desperately to get more sleep. As we arrived in Gdańsk, heads began to perk up and eyes were peeled open to take in the new city. Our first stop was a boat ride and tour of some of the historical WWII sites. Seeing the city by boat was a fun new perspective as we watched people enjoying the warm sun and the colorful waterfront buildings pass by.

After a big helping of pierogi (Polish dumplings) for lunch, we spent some time walking around the city, marveling at the beautiful churches and mesmerizing buildings. Gdańsk is known as the capital of amber, with tons of street vendors displaying an array of jewelry made with the Baltic gold, so of course we couldn’t leave without some time spent shopping. Our last stop, before heading back, was a quick trip to the beach on the Baltic Sea. The beach was packed with people lounging in padded beach chairs, under umbrellas and a few brave souls who ventured out to the frigid water. We left Gdańsk beat from the long, action-packed day, while simultaneously craving more time in the lively port town.
I was pleasantly surprised with all that the city had to offer from the rich history, the cheerful old town and the lovely beaches. I couldn’t help but think about what a perfect weekend getaway destination it would be.
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