Mar. 09

Sundays are pretty great days. I hesitate to call them my favorite because Friday and Saturday put up a pretty good fight, so let's just say they're top 3. Even though Sundays back home looked different than they do now, I still treasure my Sundays. I've started a new tradition of making breakfast on the weekends. It's one of the best ideas I've had. I love breakfast. Like love LOVE breakfast. Hands down my favorite meal. Lunch and dinner got nothing on breakfast. The problem is I am usually so hungry in the morning that I can barely pour my cereal fast enough, much less spend any significant amount of time conjuring up a meal that involves turning on the stove. But in some crazy miraculous change of events, I've found a way. Maybe it's the promise of something extra delicious to chow down on, who knows. This mouth-watering occasion is one reason that I long for Sundays and now I've added another.
We ride our bikes a lot. And although they seldom go a day without turning their wheels, they rarely get ridden for pure enjoyment. Most of the time they are just a means of transportation. It's such a shame. These tired old machines never get to have any fun. But we have vowed to change that. A bike ride has now been added to our Sunday routine. We decided not to wait until the sun comes out and the flowers are blooming to start because, quite frankly, that could be a while. Today was day 1. We rode our bikes down our mostly clear sidewalks until there was no more sidewalk. When the sidewalk ends and you look to the left, you can see a small hill. The forest lets you see just enough to marvel at it, but keeps some of its treasures hidden to draw you in closer. We'd been to this spot before when you could see the dirt on the ground, so we wanted to to see what it looked like in its winter attire. The icy trails forced us to leave our bikes behind, but the small trek through the woods was worth it. An undiscovered path is on the agenda for next Sunday.
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