Ski Break

Photo by Meredith Scoggins

Some have Spring break, we have Ski break. Both occur in March and are all about taking a little time from school to enjoy the outdoors. Other than that, they have nothing in common. Spring break is swimming pools, swim suits and sun. Ski break is snow ball fights, snow shoeing and of course, skiing. (Ok, I just noticed that they all start with S's there's that). I'm all about these sorts of icy outings and I feel like I've been a pretty darn good sport about the winter, but I'm going to go ahead and call it. I can not fool my Texas brain into thinking we're still in December. It knows better. It knows that this is the time to start breaking out the shorts and eating outside. This snow just isn't going to do it for me anymore. I'm on board for it coming back in about 8 months. But now, it's time to stop this madness. It's been real. Needless to say, we are not headed for the slopes next week. We're boarding the train headed south. Literally. We're going to Helsinki. Unfortunately it's not exactly beachy there either, but we'll take what we can get right now. If you could direct any heat waves that you find in this general direction, we would greatly appreciate it.


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