Dec. 24
Adelboden, Switzerland | Part II

After our exciting encounters with the mountains via snowboards, we spent our last full day exploring them on something a little more familiar. There was a hiking trail near our hotel that took us to see some pretty mesmerizing views. We first walked through the cutest neighborhood that I'm convinced we'll live in some day (just like every other place we visit). The houses all had names written on them and they all looked like they would have the perfect fire place inside. Towards the end of our hike it started to snow. Much to our surprise, Switzerland was warmer than what we are used to in Finland, so the snow was a welcomed treat.

Two important things that we learned: everyone in Switzerland is trilingual (at least where we were), so we've really got to step up our game. Also, I learned that you should be really sure that an egg is boiled before you try to crack it (important life lessons). Our first morning at breakfast I made it pretty clear to everyone around me that I had yet to learn this lesson. I was really sure that this egg was boiled, why would you serve an un-boiled egg??? So I tried to crack it. It was really hard and wouldn't crack on the table. So I squeezed with all my might. And then it cracked. All. Over. All over my shirt, all over my pants, all over the floor and all over my food. It was quite a scene. Needless to say, I avoided the eggs for the remainder of the trip.
All in all Switzerland was pretty amazing. I could have stared at those mountains all day. We were so lucky to get to spend our honeymoom amongst them.
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