Oct. 21

Our weekend was filled with snowflakes, movies and chicken pot pie. We had a pretty relaxing weekend over here, recovering from our travels, plus it just felt right to snuggle up under a blanket with all the snowing that is going on outside. Thursday it was very much fall, then we woke up on Friday and it was winter. Full force winter. We basically just sat at the kitchen table all day marveling at the giant snowflakes and the fact that they just kept coming, trying to imagine what it’s going to be like in a couple months. Time to dust off our cross country skis – I mean, maybe we should find some and learn how to use them. We even got to practice a little snow bike riding (with helmets on, of course). Just as I was fitting in with the cool kids with my no-handed riding (yep, you heard me, a whole 40 seconds)…well there will be none of that for the next four months. Everyone keeps saying that this is only the beginning, that it’s only getting colder and so much snowier from here…
well, bring it on, snow.
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