Oct. 02
The wait is over. Winter has arrived. I don’t know if these people technically consider this winter, but this is definitely winter weather to me. I had to break out the puffy coat, that’s when you know. I think I wore it maybe three times last winter. I always felt like “oh, it’s not that cold, I’m going to look ridiculous in this giant puffy coat.” I think I want another one now…to wear on top of my current one. The other day on my way home, it snowed. Yes, snow flakes in SEPTEMBER! It was brief, but there was no mistaking the plastering of ice to my face. Of course at that point I’m already on my bike, gloves and hat on. I really wanted to pull my giant fur hood on too, but for some reason my hands are incapable of doing anything productive once gloves are on. They won’t button or zip anything, much less any more complex form of dexterity, like gripping and pulling…at the same time. I learned this the hard way. From now on, I will get completely put together before starting out on my trek. Once I start there’s no stopping. So I succumbed to the fact the hood is not going to work and continued my journey home. I don’t know if there was anybody else on the sidewalk, I was in full survival mode. Head down, gritting my teeth, pedaling as fast as my legs would let me. (I was making some really serious faces…they help). The small little inclines felt like Mt. Everest. I didn’t know if I’d ever make it. When I did finally get to my apartment, I had to fumble through keys, backpacks and bikes (why is everything more difficult when it’s cold?) before I got to shelter. The weird thing is, once you’re inside and peel off the several layers of extra clothes, you think – that really wasn’t so bad. But deep down you know that you’re just fooling yourself…it really is that bad. Only 5 more months of this, right?
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