making lists

I found this list to fill in online, and seeing how making lists is on my top 10 favorite things to do, I thought I would give it a try. Lists are so satisfying.


Making: do without a straightener. There’s really no use with how wind blown my hair gets. Cooking: salmon – pan seared salmon, salmon soup, salmon pie, you name it. Drinking: café lattes every morning :) Reading: articles about multiculturalism…really feeling like a student again. Wanting: mexican food, BBQ, marshmallows. Looking: for a pair of hiking pants. Playing: like we know what we’re doing every time we go to the grocery store. If you stare at the labels for just the right amount of time, it looks like you’re reading them. Wasting: nothing in our refrigerator, living like true college students. Sewing: nothing, but really wishing someone would sew me many pairs of mittens. And maybe a face mask while you’re at it. Wishing: I could speak Finnish. Enjoying: nature. Waiting: for snowboarding season. Liking: my bike with a basket on front. That’s really all I ever wanted in life. Wondering: when I’m going to have to break out the thermal underwear. Very likely it could be tomorrow. Loving: living abroad. Hoping: to see Aurora Borealis in Joensuu. Marveling: at people riding bikes no-handed, I seriously don’t get it. It’s magical. Needing: a microwave and a freezer, how do you live without?? Smelling: campfires. Makes me jealous every time. Wearing: hats, gloves, scarves, multiple jackets…anything to stay warm. Following: the same path to school everyday. It’s very likely that I’d get lost if I don’t. Noticing: that somehow there is always one fly in our apartment, even though we killed one the day before. Knowing: that the days are getting shorter and shorter. Thinking: about our first trip in a couple of weeks. Feeling: cold. I think I spoke too soon about this amazing autumn weather. Bookmarking: every place that I want to travel to. Could be getting a little out of hand. Opening: the couch…because it has storage! Did I mention how awesome it is? Giggling: at Scott being afraid of the giant birds. Feeling: like November is coming really soon! :)


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