fall has fallen

fall leaves trees lake

Or as we say in Finland, autumn. It does feel a little fancier when you call it – autumn. I have always loved this season. The leaves falling and changing colors. Pumpkins everywhere – on porches, in pies, and in your latte. The weather is getting just cool enough to where you want to spend every waking moment outside. Well I don’t think I have ever really experienced a true fall. Yes, leaves do fall and change colors and what not in Texas, but not like this. In Texas it goes by so fast that if you blink you might just miss it. (Although we do like to extend it a little longer with the carving of pumpkins, hanging of wreaths, and eating of candy corn – which I fully support). Here I feel like it’s really autumn (minus the pumpkin lattes). Every day I think the leaves get a little brighter yellow/orange/red. And it definitely has that crisp autumn feel in the air (that’s what we call cold in Texas). Everyone is starting to pull out their cold weather gear – hats, scarves, gloves, boots. If you can find a nice spot to sit by the lake with some coffee, you’re golden. I know that this isn’t going to last long, I can already hear the snowflakes whispering from the clouds, but I’m sure going to enjoy it while it lasts.


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