furniture day

We have gone four very looooooonng nights without any furniture. Yes, that means we’ve been sleeping on the floor. I started thinking about when I was younger and my parents would get up from the floor moaning and groaning about their legs/back/everything hurting and how I always thought that was so ridiculous. I mean how is it even possible for your body to hurt from just sitting on the floor?? Let me tell you, it is possible. My body now knows those pains all too well. There is no comfortable position that you can get in when you are sleeping on the floor. It was almost a relief when you woke up and realized that the night was over. Finally, you can get up from the floor! And then the fireworks. At least it sounded like that. Popping happening all over the place. So you can imagine the excitement on Furniture Day. (That’s what we like to call it). We woke up, wished each other a “Happy Furniture Day” and then the longest day of our lives commenced. This is what it looked like.

Looking out the window

ALL DAY. Since every car in Finland has an engine that sounds exactly like a truck, we got up to look out the window approximately 152 times, only to be disappointed. It was like waiting for Santa. He never brings the presents while you’re awake, but you just can’t go to sleep. So when we heard our door bell ring, it was like Christmas Day. Except the two men at the door were holding a slip of paper instead of a bag full of presents. Our first question – “do you speak English?”. We got a very quick and direct “No.”. Uh oh. For the next couple seconds the four of us just looked at each other laughing (the kind of laughter when you have NO idea what to do next). Then there were hand signals. Box motions, fingers pointing down and….”Are – the – boxes – downstairs??” Stares. And more laughter. Scott’s turn. More charades. Even more laughter. I think we were laughing about the fact that there were two men at our door with something to tell us but no way to do it, but I’m not really even sure. Then my genius, computer nerd fiancée pulled out google translate. We typed in our question, handed them the computer and they typed back their response. Thank you, technology. Turns out they were just coming to tell us that the furniture would be delivered in 45 minutes. We still don’t really know why they needed to tell us that. But the important thing is 45 minutes later those same two men showed up with our 12 boxes of Ikea furniture.

Assembled furniture and Ikea mishaps, to be continued…


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